Today, Ben arrived with the lost personal luggage! We now have all necessary tools, sleeping bags, etc.
Missing luggage
29 July 2016 | Lasse TanoThe big event this morning was locating all luggage. Everything seemed ok. The remaining luggage would be in Mestersvig, so we went there with the help of helicopters and Twin Otter aircraft. Imagine our surprise when it became clear that the researcher's equipment were not there at all!
We've landed in Greenland
27 July 2016 | Lasse TanoToday, the four of us arrived in Constable Point in Greenland. The journey went as planned, with only a slight delay.
First week
20 July 2016 | Christine GodeauWe just finished up our first week here in Abisko, which ended in a memorable way.
Arctic Islands 2016 has started
13 July 2016 | Fredrik DalerumThe second field season of our project Arctic Islands has finally started.
To the Arctic Ocean to understand the carbon system in the rapidly changing Arctic Ocean system
7 July 2016On 18 July a Swedish researcher will participate in an expedition in the Arctic Ocean with the German research vessel Polarstern.
In Abisko to evaluate the climate change on terrestrial Arctic ecosystems and compare to Arctic islands
7 July 2016n 11 July researchers will initiate a long-term monitoring program at the Abisko Scientific Research Station to evaluate the impacts of climate change on terrestrial Arctic ecosystems and compare to Arctic islands.
Movie: Petermanns glacial history
9 June 2016 | Saskia MadlenerWe see lots of indications that there is an increased melting of Greenland ice sheet. If ice would disappear it would have a major impact on the sea level. In 2010 and 2012 the ice tongue extent was reduced by 30–40% through calving. The glacier has retreated in the past, but how much have humans affected the climate?
Movie: Going to Greenland to find dinosaur fossils
7 June 20162015 och 2014 hittade svenska forskare fossil på Grönland som visar på att det är en plats där vissa grupper av dinosaurier härstammar från. Nu åker forskarna tillbaka till östra Grönland och hoppas på att hitta fossiler som från arter som representerar tiden efter att dinosaurierna utvecklats till två grupper; fågelhöftade dinosaurier (ornithischier) och ödlehöftade dinosaurier (saurischier) vilket tros ha hänt i slutet trias för 230 och 225 miljoner år sedan.
Movie: Swedish scientists are going to Greenland to find fossils
7 June 2016This summer, three Swedish scientists are going to east Greenland to search for hundred million year old fossils. Henning Blom from Uppsala University explains why Greenland is an important place to visit.
Movie: Seafloor mapping during Petermann 2015
29 December 2015 | Ida Kinner, Martin JakobssonShort movie from the Petermann 2015 expedition showing how Seafloor mapping was done.
Movie about SWERUS-C3 (in french)
3 December 2015A movie from the 100 days long SWERUS-C3 expedition in french.
Movie: A Glacial & Climate History
29 November 2015 | Saskia MadlenerPetermann glacier was investigated during Petermann expedition summer of 2015. A perfect area to study the changes that are happening on Earth.
Movie: Petermann 2015
29 October 2015 | Saskia MadlenerA brief overview of the Petermann 2015 expedition. The aim was to increase our understanding about potential pathways of relative warmer water influx towards Greenland’s many outlet glaciers and to study past behaviour of the Petermann Glacier.
Isövervakning med satellitdata
28 September 2015 | Leif Eriksson, Wiebke AldenhoffSatellitbilder kan användas för att få en översikt över var det ligger havsis och hur isen rör sig och förändras. På Chalmers utvecklar vi metoder för att mäta iskoncentration, isdrift och istjocklek i data från radarsatelliter.
The dirty ice blog
28 September 2015 | Sandra GdaniecA couple of days ago we found something we have been waiting for and hoping to find during this expedition, namely ice rafted sediment, or as we like to call it, “dirty ice”.
Isdjupsmätningar med radar
27 September 2015 | Per HolmlundJag arbetar med ett isradarsystem som normalt används på glaciärer och inlandsisar. Syftet med mätningen är att undersöka om det går att ta fram ett enkelt och bra instrument för att göra kontinuerliga isdjupsmätningar medan fartyget är i rörelse.
Sea ice monitoring
25 September 2015 | Øivind KjaerstadFor the research cruise bound north of Svalbard, the NTNU science team has instrumented Oden and Frej with technical systems to collect scientific data and aid multi-vessel operations in sea ice.
Isbjörnar i sikte
23 September 2015 | Hanna Hagelin, Sandy OlssonKl. 06 ringde telefonen i morse. Samtal från däggdjursobservatören Jan Durinck att de såg isbjörnar från bryggan. Jag lyckades se dem, men det var ingen idé att försöka få en bra bild – lite för långt bort och inte så avancerad kamera.
Studie av exponering för helkroppsvibrationer
21 September 2015 | Olof JohannessonHuvudsyftet med denna studie är att mäta nivåerna av helkroppsvibrationer som en isbrytarbesättning utsätts för under olika isbrytningsförhållanden.