The Petermann 2015 expedition is a perfect example of how we study iconic systems. Whats interesting with this place is that it has an floating ice shelf that protects the glacier that extends deep into Greenland's interior, some sort of the drain of Greenland.
Movie: Petermanns glacial history
9 June 2016 | Saskia MadlenerWe see lots of indications that there is an increased melting of Greenland ice sheet. If ice would disappear it would have a major impact on the sea level. In 2010 and 2012 the ice tongue extent was reduced by 30–40% through calving. The glacier has retreated in the past, but how much have humans affected the climate?
Movie: A Glacial & Climate History
29 November 2015 | Saskia MadlenerPetermann glacier was investigated during Petermann expedition summer of 2015. A perfect area to study the changes that are happening on Earth.
Movie: Petermann 2015
29 October 2015 | Saskia MadlenerA brief overview of the Petermann 2015 expedition. The aim was to increase our understanding about potential pathways of relative warmer water influx towards Greenland’s many outlet glaciers and to study past behaviour of the Petermann Glacier.