Båthamna (boat-harbour) is a small (~ 100 m) northwards opening bay in the about 10 km wide southwards opening Sommerfeldtbukta. Obviously a perfectly sheltered place for a boat. We arrived at high tide and could reach the beach through shallow...
50 nautiska mil från Nordpolen
I natt gjordes första försöket med ”dredging”. Det gick över förväntan och vi lyckas få upp mer än 100 kg sten genom att använda en stor skopa som släpades på havsbotten på mer än 3 000 meters djup efter fartyget i en fart av 0,5 knop och på en...
The southern slopes of Kistefjellet
The weather being still the same, sunshine and a hard wind, we walked eastwards through Trollstabbane and around the southern slopes of Kistefjellet. After some time we figured out the general structural style, isoclinal folding from millimetres...
No big surprises
In calm but cloudy weather we walked again northwards to better understand the structure and stratigraphy of the area we visited two days ago. No big surprises, but this is a very interesting area which would require much more detailed work than...
På toppen av världen
Deltagarna i forskningsexpeditionen på Nordpolen. Den 22 augusti 2012 kl 23.50 – några timmar senare än beräknat – nådde Oden till slut Nordpolen för sjunde gången. Vi hade förberett oss i, vad vi tyckte, rimlig tid innan och öppnat champagnen...
Heavy wind and a broken boat
We escaped from Båthamna with the evening high tide on the 23rd. Strong winds around Sørkapp and from the largest glacier in the area, Olsokbreen, made the first 90 minutes of the trip rather uncomfortable. Then the sea was calm but full of ice....
Meteorologens arbete i Arktis
Området runt vår nordpol är för meteorologen lite okänd mark. Här uppe på de höga latituderna finns väldigt få, i stort sett inga, observationer. På grund av detta saknas viktig information, som indata till prognosmodellerna. Nu är...
Trying to secure the Zodiac
I woke up about half past six when a board from the bed above mine fell down on me while the hut was shaking in the wind gusts. A minute later Majek shouted his alarm – the Zodiac was moving again. We quickly dressed up and went out to find the...
A good night’s sleep. The wind is down. We checked the outboard engine and the obvious damages are the hood, a broken cover in the engine (including the cast aluminum bolts), an electrical connection, two pipes and the fixation of the...
Evening sunshine
In the morning we tried the outboard engine – some heavy pulling to get it started and the engine worked on all three cylinders. After some smoking and a warm-up we tested it with a short trip out of the bay and back and it seems to be ok, except...
Insamling av vatten, iskärnor och plankton
Vi har de senaste dagarna rört oss söderut och vi befinner oss nu på 87°N i Amundsenbassängen. Efter några intensiva dygn med besök på Nordpolen så har vi nu kommit in i ett skede då vi mer kommer att fokusera på isstationer och insamling av...
Visitors from the Polish station
The weather report promised 11 m/s wind from the south/southeast and somehow my sleep was uneasy. Around six in the morning the first wind gust shook the cottage and got me out of the sleeping bag. The bow of the Zodiac was whipping considerably...
No samples today
Today we left Hyttevika at noon when the weather looked fine. The rain started again 10 minutes later… But only for 30 minutes. We passed Werenhus and continued to Werenskioldbreen, another retreating glacier which was studied by Polish...
A cancelled trip
Not much new today. Bad visibility because of low clouds and wet. Better around noon, but our trip to Vimsodden and Skoddebukta is cancelled since all the sand in the outboard engine blocks now the switching of gears. And we can’t fix it,...
One month on Svalbard
Today we have been one month on Svalbard. At half past seven in the morning the four from Werenhus arrived at Hyttevika. They were on their way to the Polish station to board M/S Horyzont II for the trip back to Poland. They reported that the crew...
Polar bear
Yesterday, in the early evening, the polar bear came back. Three of us were enjoying a nap while I thought that there was something around the house which is more than the wind. Shortly after there was a more than decent knocking at the front...
Another boring waiting day
Good weather in the morning, worse during the day and better again in the evening. Waiting for the 21.00 communication with the Polish station and their plans. In the meantime a brown fox came to Hyttevika, entertaining us with running around us,...
Getting ready to leave Hyttevika
Half past eleven last night our two saviours from the Polish station arrived at Hyttevika. After a small party we went to bed and got up early in the morning. They had to go to Werenskioldbreen and get data from a couple of data loggers, we had to...
A wonderful day!
Shortly after we arrived to the Polish station two days ago we got the message that our helicopter flight to two inland localities and then back to Longyearbyen was adjourned to Friday. This because the Governor of Svalbard’s office wants to...
The first morning at home
Yesterday’s journey back was pretty fast. Got up at 07.00 to check the weather: clouds around the mountains at ca. 600 m and lower clouds pressing in from the east. The governor’s office probably knew why they chose Wednesday and...