Arctic Antarctica



Working as a technician in Antarctica

9 February 2017 | Henrik Törnberg

Det finns mycket teknisk utrustning på en polarforskningsstation. På Wasa finns sju snöskotrar, fyra bandvagnar, två terrängbilar, två dieselgeneratorer, vattensystem med snösmältare, gasolsystem, elsystem med solpaneler samt en mängd annan teknisk utrustning och byggnader som måste hållas i funktionsdugligt skick.

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Chef in Antarctica

17 January 2017 | Henrik Törnberg

Karin really plays a key role in the expedition – she makes sure we eat great food three times a day. It requires a lot of knowledge and planning to create a functional food plan for an Antarctic expedition. We are eleven persons who eat three times a day for two months. Overall, we are spending around 300 person-days at Wasa plus around 250 person-days in our field camp. This means 1,650 meals to be planned, prepared and cooked.

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The expedition team is complete!

13 January 2017 | Henrik Törnberg

We have lots of preparations to make before we go out on our first field mission. Everything takes longer time when the weather is bad and the risk of injuries and damages on equipment increases. We immediately take some security measures when working outdoors.

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With a 75-year-old to Wasa

12 January 2017 | Henrik Törnberg

10:30 - we are in the air and the flight to Wasa takes two hours. Lidia is a alert but noisy 75-year-old and are missing pressure cabin. The landing at the Wasa turns out to be a bumpy one, the rear wheel is missing a landing skis and digs deep into the loose snow.

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A day of waiting

11 January 2017 | Henrik Törnberg

Troll gives us a perfect start with great weather - sunshine, good visibility, no wind and the thermometer shows -7 degrees Celsius. We pack up our things and set off with a tracked vehicle seven kilometers out to the airstrip.

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