Vicky Pease och de fyra övriga forskarna i gruppen avslutade sitt fältarbete på Tajmyrhalvön den 30 juli och de har nu kommit hem igen. På grund av tekniska problem har det inte gått att skicka expeditionsrapporterna via satellittelefon, därför får du läsa Vickys rapporter i efterhand istället.
Det här är del 2 av 2.
19 July 2012
The weather is fine and our camp re-location is a ‘go’. It’s nice when the weather is good, because packing wet soggy tents, clothes, sleeping bags, etc., is NO FUN! After a few false starts, we manage to select solid ground for our second camp – it is a good location, both practical and scenic.
20 July 2012
AMAZING! Got up this morning to find hundreds of reindeer heading north through the valley near camp. This was at 8 am. We left to do geology along the river bank in the same valley and at 10 am, reindeer still heading north… At noon, the migration continues; at 1400, 1600, and even 1800 when we head for home, the migration is still going! We estimate this mega-herd to be 7,000–10,000 head – like the great wildebeest migrations of Africa! We are lucky to get to see this.

Reindeer herd.
21 July 2012
Off to recce to the Devonian-Carboniferous (?) limestone contact – very important for understanding the Uralian mountain building event here in Taimyr. Late arrivals of the reindeer population continue to pass by – these big boys were almost in touching distance!

Handsome reindeer.
22 July 2012
Another mega-hike to the youngest part of the geological section at BC2… We found a fantastic section of the Permian that was flat-lying – this is interesting because elsewhere it has been deformed and steeply dipping. We suspect that we are in the core of a huge fold!

Permian geology.
23 July 2012
Ok, we thought we were in heaven here at BC2 because the weather has been great, sunny and warm ever since we arrived – in stark contrast to BC1, which was wet and cold most of the time. The heat and humidity seemed unusual for the Arctic, and last night we found out why… We were in the heart of a genuine electrical storm with thunder booming, lightening flashing, and even ‘flash’ floods! We were sure one of the tents had been hit, the thunder and lightening were so loud and so near! It was midnight when we finished moving our kitchen tent from its ‘ideal’ location to higher and drier ground… The thunder storm caused our stream to rise about 20 cm! RS, AP, and XZ had to perform some quick engineering to divert water from flooding their sleeping tents. Another long night on tenterhooks waiting for the ‘flash’ flood to subside, then we were able to get some unworried sleep. The sky was strange after the storm…

Post-storm sun.
24 July 2012
Fortunately, our creek cleared of sediment pretty quick so we were not short of potable water. However, the Buotankaga River was running high and rough, so no crossing the big river – that means no fieldwork today since our only targets are across the river now. We use the time to organize samples and personal gear.

25 July 2012
Finally, heading across the Buotankaga River to work the section on the opposite shore (see photo). We decide to stay ‘close to home’; the weather is still inclement and we can’t be sure it won’t turn on us – getting rained on is par for the course, but we can’t risk the river rising and being unable to cross back. Sure enough, the biggest, blackest clouds we have seen form on top of us and we high-tail it back to the boat. It is so windy that we have to have two persons paddling in order to transfer the third…

Boat crossing.
26 July 2012
We try again for the other side. The weather looks better today – high, unthreatening clouds and a gentle breeze, so we all head east. The river has dropped and the crossing is easy. Work is fantastic – we see the best exposures of folded limestone yet (see the gentle dip on the left, with a very steep dip on the right). This makes all our trials and tribulations worth it! Even some C2-P1 for XZ to sample – yippee…

Limestone fold.
27 July 2012
Well, the blister brigade can’t do the distance needed today, so ActionMan (AS) and RS head back across the river and go to the northernmost outcrops on their own. They have a great day, see lots of terrific exposure (see conglomerate in photo), and return to another designer-fusion meal, ready and waiting…

28 July 2012
We have visited all the geological section available to us – short of rafting kilometers down the river (which would be great) and then having to back-back the boat back (which would not be great), there is nothing left to do! So we use this ‘spare’ day originally budgeted for bad weather to wash our stinky clothes and bodies, our hair, shave even – all looking towards a return to civilization that won’t scare off the locals!

Baby bunting.
29 July 2012
Preparations for flying tomorrow: the usual pack-up to ship out. In addition, we have a birthday celebration for VP which includes a special dinner (the Chinese ‘1000 layers’), presents of various types, imbibements, music, and even pineapple upside-down cake! Needless to say we were up later than usual…

Happy b-day in stones.
30 July 2012
FLY DAY! Weather is good and we are ‘go’. As usual, we are grateful that it is not raining 🙂

Waiting for the chopper.
31 July 2012
Back in Khatanga and the first order of the day for EVERYONE is a wonderful hot shower (and if you are lucky, some clean clothes!)…

Baby snow hare.
1 August 2012
Last business of the trip before departure includes those nagging little things like repacking the boxes for shipping to Stockholm – some have to contain exactly the same items has they had coming into Russia (good thing I didn’t lose that content list!).

Packing list
2 August 2012
Today we continue our trip home, which for our team includes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cambridge, and Stockholm. We take a commercial flight from Khatanga to Krasnoyarsk, stay the night in a hotel, and then to points beyond the next morning.

Plane to/from Krasnoyarsk.
3 August 2012
We had a great trip, achieved our scientific objectives, and enjoyed the work on beautiful Taymyr – but it’s always good to come back home. Thanks to the team, AARI, INTAARI, and the SPRS for a successful expedition!
Vicky Pease, Stockholms universitet