Expedition: SWERUS-C3
6 July 2014 - 4 October 2014 Arctic Ocean

Exploring the role of clouds in shaping the new Arctic climate
Understanding of involved processes is poor partly because of lack of direct observations. During SWERUS-C3, the Arctic Clouds in Summer Experiment (ACSE) studied these processes in detail.
Sources and sinks of carbon dioxide in a changing Arctic Ocean
The aim of this project is to increase our understanding of the feedbacks that exists among components of the Arctic Ocean carbon system.
Permafrost, hydrates and carbon cycling in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean
Thawing coastal and subsea permafrost and collapsing shallow methane hydrates could potentially add carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere this century, yet there is presently poor understanding of these systems and processes.
The past and present state of the Arctic’s marine environmental system
Geological sediment coring and geophysical mapping was done during Leg 2 of SWERUS-C3 in order to study the history of Arctic sea ice, methane release, past and present bottom temperatures and the conversion and transport of carbon from the East Siberian shelf to the deep sea.