Bonnie’s way out of the Petermann fjord. The orange markers show the position of the buoy every hour. The green triangular indicates where she was deployed. Photo: Jari Krützfeldt
The first LoTUS bottom lander surfaced and transmitted its data! Buoy #4 (or “Bonnie” as we call her) surfaced on Sunday 23 August in the Petermann Fjord. She was moored at a water depth of 250 m. The buoy released her anchor and made it through the sea ice to the water surface. All temperature data has been transmitted and “Bonnie” is acting as a drifter now, i.e. she sends out her GPS position every hour. And she is not at all resting after her underwater mission – after drifting back and forth in the fjord she just made it out to Nares Strait! We hope she is able to get into the main ice drift going south, maybe we see her again in Thule!