Arctic Antarctica

Expedition: Arctic Sweden

14 July 2008 - 24 August 2008 The Swedish mountain range

Glacier-climate interactions

Present climate change severely affects Swedish glaciers. Exactly 100 years prior to the ongoing International Polar Year 2007–2008 (IPY) the first systematic survey of Swedish glaciers was made and published by the Swedish Geological Survey.

Plant–animal interactions

The overarching aim of this project is to assess the magnitude and rate of expected and already ongoing changes in mountain tundra ecosystems and landscapes under the impact of climate change.

Climate-ecosystem interactions

The major field campaign within the theme Climate-ecosystems interactions was carried out in the Abisko region in July–August 2008 where a number of research groups were supported with helicopter transport.

Stable isotope geology and environmental history

Most studies have been conducted in northern Lapland using vegetation, aquatic ecosystems or geochemistry in lake sediments. Some studies have also been carried out in the southern part of the Scandes in Jämtland.

Arctic Sweden - Archaeology

Some 25 new prehistoric and Sami sites were identified on Björkfjället and Ammarfjället using the helicopter method. The land-based survey, which followed the Vindeln River, resulted in finds of Stone Age settlements.