Arctic Antarctica

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Gullies 2007

In this study researchers analysed satellite remote sensing data of analogue gully locales on Svalbard by using similar methodologies to those used in previous studies of Martian gullies. The results were compared with measurements made in situ on...


South Greenland glaciation history

The project’s aim was to reconstruct the relative sea-level history of the Bredefjord area. This makes it possible to model the evolution of the southern part of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the ice sheet drainage mechanisms. Principal...



The LASHIPA project (Large Scale HIstorical Exploitation of Polar Areas) was an endorsed and financed research project within the International Polar Year 2007–2008, with participants from the Netherlands, Sweden, USA, Great Britain, Norway and...



Despite advances in understanding sea ice dynamics in the Arctic over the past decade, the connection between sea ice, ocean circulation and ecosystem changes remains poorly established. Primary productivity is one of the components where we lack...


East Greenland 2015

The first of these adaptive radiations ocurred 370 million years ago, when the earliest tetrapods modified their fins into legs and emerged onto dry land. By 250 million years ago this process had reversed, and the tetrapod walking limb was once...


Petermann 2015

The purpose of the project was to collect multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profile information along the western continental shelf of Greenland in order to characterize the shape of the seafloor and uppermost sediment properties. The main goal...


Arctic Islands

The research project combines knowledge of the function of current ecosystems with data from prehistoric DNA in order to generate scientifically supported predictions of how Arctic ecosystems will be affected by future climate changes. The project...



The research project explore how legacies of large scale mining operations have influenced communities in the Nordic part of the Arctic. The objective is to investigate under which circumstances material and immaterial remains of mining can...


TransArc II

The expedition was part of the research programme GEOTRACES, an international study of the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace element and their isotopes. The dynamics of trace metal biogeochemistry in the Arctic Ocean The biogeochemistry of the...


OATRC 2015

The expedition was carried out by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in collaboration with the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat. Two similar expeditions was carried out in 2012 and 2013. OATRC 2015 was a project associated...


Potter Cove

In the polar regions, microscopic algae inhabit the shallow sediment (microphytobenthos) and are extremely important in terms of primary production, sediment biogeochemistry and ecology. In determining the effects of climate change, most studies...


Araon Amundsen Sea 2015/16

In this research project, the researchers are studying heat transport between sea and glaciers in the Amundsen Sea. The pathways, variability and heat flux of the warm deep water will be measured together with the subsurface production of glacier...



In December, the Italian research vessel M/V Italica sailed from Christchurch, New Zealand. The research expedition was organised by the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and was a part of the programme German...


EPICA 2004/05

During the 2002/03 season, the drilling at Dome C reached a depth of 3,200 meters. The preliminary dating shows that the ice is about 900,000 years old at this depth – the oldest ice core ever. The 2003/04 season was devoted to maintenance, but...


Arctic Ocean 2016

The icebreaker Oden will depart from Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 8 August to meet up with the Canadian icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent and launch the expedition. For six weeks, the vessels will operate in the Arctic Ocean, mainly in the Amundsen Basin...


East Greenland 2016

In this research project the researchers is studying the ecological drivers behind aquatic tetrapod evolution through time. The first of these adaptive radiations ocurred 370 million years ago, when the earliest tetrapods modified their fins into...


Tundra northwest 1999

Tundra Northwest 1999 (TNW 99) was a ship based research expedition to the Canadian Arctic archipelago and Alaska. The first leg started out from Gothenburg, Sweden, and after changing some members of the scientific crew in north-western Canada,...


Arctic islands 2016

Current global warming will drive a northward expansion of more competitive species adapted to a warmer climate. This means that Arctic species may eventually be marginalised to Arctic islands, as they may have been during previous warming events....



The expedition is a part of the research programme GEOTRACES, an international study of the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace element and their isotopes. The overarching objective of this study is to further improve our understanding of the...
