Arctic Antarctica

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The first leg departed Cape Town in South Africa on 20 December 2016. At the end of February 2017, the third leg will depart from Punta Arenas in southern Chile. Research teams from all over the world will work on board the Russian research vessel...


Methane and carbon dioxide measurements in the Ross Sea

A polynya is an area of open water surrounded by sea ice. The water remains open because of processes that prevent sea ice from forming or that quickly move sea ice out of the region. The PIPERS expedition will undertake a study of the Ross Sea...


PS106 physical oceanography

The expedition consists of two legs, taking place southwest of the Nansen Basin and over the north Barents Sea shelf slope. The aim of the marine part of the expedition is to investigate how the population of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in this...


Arctic islands 2017

The Arctic islands project studies the consequences of climate change for terrestrial Arctic ecosystems. A warmer climate is expected to drive a northward expansion of competitive warm adapted species, and Arctic species will eventually be...


The Sorgfjorden project

This project will develop and test methods for performing effective documentation of archaeological sites in the polar regions, in order to inform best practices in cultural heritage conservation and management. The project will test those methods...


Brooks Range

The tectonic evolution of the Arctic and how the Arctic Ocean formed is highly debated and remains one of the major unsolved tectonic problems on Earth today. One approach to solving this problem is to determine how the continental blocks now...


Ellesmere Island

The Neoproterozoic Era is the unit of geologic time from 1,000 to 541 million years ago. The Neoproterozoic Arctic Connection (NAC) project aims at investigating the possible links between the Neoproterozoic crust that crops out in southwestern...


MAGIC-DML 2017/18

Dronning Maud Land is largely covered by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The ice is so thick that only the highest mountain peaks, so-called nunataks, protrude through the ice sheet. The aim of MAGIC-DML is to reconstruct the glacial history of the...


Arctic Ocean 2018

>> Arctic Ocean 2018 Expedition report (pdf) For about one month, the icebreaker Oden will be moored at a large ice floe in the Arctic Ocean. Around 40 researchers will work on board to take measurements as well as collect samples and data...



The extent of the glaciation during earlier ice ages is of great importance to today’s climate models. In the expedition to Jugorski in Siberia, climate and environmental changes were studied in a 250,000-year perspective.


Svalbard culture 1998

An expedition to study cultural history in Svalbard and nearby islands, and how these monuments and sites have been affected by human activity in the area. Research leader: Urban Wråkberg, Center for History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of...


Ocean forced melting of the West Antarctic ice shelves

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) represents one of the largest potential sources of future sea-level rise, and could raise global sea level by more than three meters should it collapse completely. But the predictions for the ice sheet’s...


Ryder 2019

The Ryder 2019 expedition with the Swedish icebreaker Oden is a multidisciplinary expedition, spanning the fields of atmospheric chemistry and physics, biology, climatology, ecology, genomics, glaciology, oceanography, marine geology, geophysics...

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Pre-site survey

I dag gjorde vi en s.k. pre-site survey med markpenetrerande radar för att undersöka bottentopografin under isen och bestämma den exakta positionen för framtida iskärneborrningar på Vestfonna. Vi gjorde två parallella profiler ungefär 8 km långa...

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På besök i tältlägret

Lägret på glaciären Vestfonna. Foto: Per-Olof Edvinsson Väder: Mulet -5 °C, lätt snö, 5–8 m/s Vi var upp till tältlägret på glaciären Vestfonna i går. Vi for kl 10 den första maj och var hemma igen kl 05 nästa dag. Det tar en fruktansvärd tid att...

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Isbjörnshonan med unge på besök. Foto: Per-Olof Edvinsson Stormvarning har utfärdats och glaciären Vestfonnas forskare har evakuerats till Kinnvika, i avvaktan på lugnare väder. Forskarna bemöttes av en uppvärmd bastu som uppskattades gott. Vid...

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Väder: Halvklart, -7 °C, 2–4 m/s Stormen som var utlovad kommer inte än, enligt nya väderobservationer. I morse steg vi upp kl 07. Sedan dess har det varit full fart eftersom de som ska upp på glaciären måste komma iväg när vädret är fint. Sex...

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Radio-echo soundings

Radio-echo soundings are done to map the bed topography under Vestfonna ice cap. At last we have started to do radio-echo soundings to map the bed topography under Vestfonna ice cap. We make the soundings to complete air-borne soundings done...
