Arctic Antarctica

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Taymyr 1998

Research projects Taymyr’s bedrock geology Research leader: David Gee, Uppsala University Eurasian ice sheets Research leader: Christian Hjort, Lund University Schedule July–August 1998


IceCube 2012/13

Sweden is part of the international IceCube particle detector program at the South Pole, currently run by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Sweden has been involved in the construction and research since the start of the AMANDA programme, and...


MARA 2012/13

This season, two researchers from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Kiruna continued to make measurements with and maintain the radar equipment. They also released weather balloons and conducted tests using a time-lapse camera in...


MARA 2006/07

The purpose of the project was to improve our understanding of aerosol processes and waves in the polar middle atmosphere, and to compare aerosols in the troposphere of the ”clean” Antarctic with those in the ”polluted”...


MARA 2009/10

The project is intended to increase our understanding of aerosol processes and waves in the middle atmosphere, and to compare Antarctic and Arctic tropospheric aerosols. This research could also increase our knowledge of meteorological...



The researchers studied archival sources and did field work using historical-archaeological methods to collect data on the exploitation of the polar areas’ natural resources. The results were compared with industrial historical studies...


IceCube 2009/10

The aim is to study where cosmic radiation comes from (near black holes?) and what the dark matter in the universe consists of. The researchers are making use of neutrinos, which are uncharged elementary particles of extremely low mass. Neutrinos...



The purpose of the project was to explain the industrial development and exploitation in the polar areas from 1600 until today, and the influence of the industry on the geopolitical situation and the local environment. During the summer of 2008...


The Frozen Garden of Eden 2012/13

In January 2013, researchers from the Swedish Museum of Natural History returned to Seymour Island in Antarctica to locate traces of Palaeogene mammals. Seymour Island, east of the Antarctic Peninsula, is the only place in Antarctica where...


Glaciology 2015

This research project seeks to improve our understanding of the processes that influence the refreezing of water in snow and firn, and to provide more detailed knowledge of these processes. The project will result in extended measurement series of...


RINK 2009

The RINK project investigated how the ice margin reacted to earlier periods of warming, the interrelationship between sea-ice and sea-level changes and not at least how its effected human adaptation and migration. Even though the interior of the...


RINK 2008

The international RINK (Respons af Indlandsisen til Naturlige Klimaændringer – Response of the Inland ice-sheet to natural climate changes) project investigated how the ice margin reacted to earlier periods of warming, the interrelationship...


Arctic fox project

Within an earlier conservation project (SEFALO +), more than 350 Arctic fox cubs were caught and earmarked in the Swedish mountains in 2003–2008. DNA samples were taken as well as, in some cases, parasite samples. This year’s project followed up...


Gullies 2008

This was accomplished by analyzing satellite remote sensing data of analogue gully sites on Svalbard by using similar methodologies to those used in previous studies of Martian gullies. The results was compared with measurements made in situ at...


Nordenskiöld Land

There is palaeozoological (similarity of mammalian palaeofaunas, mammal fossils from Ellesmere Island), palaeobotanical (Eocene floras of Svalbard, Miocene floras on Iceland), biological (biogeography, molecular data), and geological/geophysical...



The Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Valhallfonna Formation are exposed along the coast of the Valhallfonna glacier in North Ny Friesland, North-Eastern Spitsbergen. Although the basic stratigraphy and faunas (in particular trilobites and...


Zeppelin 2007

Long-term observations were conducted at the Zeppelin station in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Principal investigator Johan Ström Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm University


Birds of prey and climate

Birds are excellent indicators of environmental change, such as biologically important effects of climate change, and consequently studies of birds can be used to predict the development over large areas. This project studied effects of...


Commander Islands

The geographic position of the Commander Islands is of key interest as they are isolated from the North East Asian mainland, but are in close proximity to the North American continent forming a continuation of the Aleutian chain of islands....


LongTerm 2007

In the summer of 2007, the project conducted its second expedition to the northernmost land area on Earth: Johannes V. Jensen Land in northern Greenland. Principal investigator Per Möller Department of Geology, Lund University
