At last!!!! The helicopter set off from Constable Point this morning at 0900 as planned. It stopped at Mestersvig to drop off both Ben and the provisions before flying straight up to Kap Stosch to pick up the project.

The team then flew in from Kap Stosch for a quick planning meeting before heading on to Celsius Bjerg to find the best place for the camp and survey the rock exposures.

Ben stayed behind to finalize loose ends and catch the returning helicopter.

Seems like he has managed to leave the Constable Point “Hilton”. If he had stayed any longer they would have signed him up for airfield duties.

Thankfully the weather forecast is clear for at least the next few days, but rain on the weekend. We have less then one week left so we will have to split the team and work fast if we are going to achieve our last two objectives.