The Arctic char; Distribution, biodiversity, and ecology across the Canadian Arctic: methods, species- and size distribution
Se forskarrapport: The Arctic char; Distribution, biodiversity, and ecology across the Canadian Arctic: methods, species- and size distribution
1 juli–31 augusti
Johan Hammar
Avdelningen för zooekologi, Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, Uppsala universitet
Sötvattenslaboratoriet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
James D. Reist
Freshwater Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Central and Arctic Region
Winnipeg, Kanada
Olof Berglund
Ekologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet
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Reist, J.D. , E. Gyselman, J.A. Babaluk, J.J. Johnson, and R. Wissink. (1995). Evidence for two morphotypes of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus [L]) from Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Nordic. J. Freshw. Res. 71, 396-410.
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