Weekly travelogue from the icebreaker Oden
”A little more than a week has passed since we left Longyearbyen and started this summer’s expedition Arctic Ocean 2018. We have since managed to get to position 89°15’N, 60°20’E.” Read Captain Mattias...
”A little more than a week has passed since we left Longyearbyen and started this summer’s expedition Arctic Ocean 2018. We have since managed to get to position 89°15’N, 60°20’E.” Read Captain Mattias...
We left Longyearbyen on 1 August after doing a postal voting procedure for the Swedish general election in September. In relatively good weather conditions, we reached our first ice station at the ice edge 3 August. The researchers had asked for a...
Ice floe. Photo: Åsa Lindgren It has been busy days since we arrived to our ice floe. Directly after arrival, we spent almost three days setting up instruments, building infrastructures and finding safe routines for all our work tasks. The work...
The icebreaker Oden is currently moored at a large ice floe approximately 89°30’N. You can read more about what has been happening on board and out on the sea ice during the past week in the weekly letter from Oden’s captain. Weekly...
Curious polar bear examining one of our flags. Photo: Åsa Lindgren Despite our northerly position at 89°N, we have a surprising amount of life around us. In the water and under the ice, there is algae, and when it comes to birds, we’ve had...
”Life on Oden has taken a different turn in the past ten days, and it seems to be a very natural evolutionary step from where we were at the halfway point. The ship has a completely different feel about it, and I didn’t really see it coming...
Icebreaker Oden from Platåberget on Svalbard. Photo: Åsa Lindgren Already when we left our operating station at the ice floe 10 days ago, the weather forecasts showed a big storm heading for Norway. During our journey south through the ice, down...
In the winter of 2019, polar researchers from the University of Gothenburg will participate in a research expedition to the Amundsen Sea. The expedition is part of a U.S.-British research programme called the International Thwaites Glacier...
Ran getting her first taste of Southern Ocean water! All ready for the NBP19-02 cruise now after 2 weeks of preparation in Punta Arenas. #SMARC #ITGC #brisk #dippingveryheavythingsinwater@goteborgsuni @SCOOT_tech @PolarGliders @polarforskning...
Bye-bye civilazation! See you in two months! #Hugin pic.twitter.com/U1HboEbX55 — Anna Wåhlin (@a_wahlin) January 28, 2019 Read more: Seals to act as sentinels of remote Antarctic glacier
We have reached Thwaites! Storm brewing for tomorrow. We have a few hours for charting the seafloor until it breaks. (Have no hope that this tweet reaches out though)@SCOOT_tech @uniofgothenburg @Naturvetenskap @BAS_News pic.twitter.com/hKCGLFS2RO...
Som den första i världen har nu den svenska förarlösa undervattensfarkosten Ran tagit sig in under Thwaitesglaciären. Polarforskaren Anna Wåhlin gläds åt nya och spännande data. Thwaitesglaciären i västra Antarktis kallas för ”Domedagsglaciären”...
We have turned homeward! Gradually leaving the main science area behind while pausing for CTDs on the way. Ran is packed up. Nights are dark. Winter is closing in. Looking forward to arriving in Northern Hemisphere spring in a couple of weeks!!...
Ryder 2019 is a research expedition to the remote Ryder Glacier in northwest Greenland on board the Swedish icebreaker Oden. By mapping the area around the glacier, researchers can find patterns and causes of historical changes of the glacier....
The IceCube-lab (foreground) has two stories. Cables from the detector enter through the two pillars on either side to reach the computer cluster on the upper floor. Photo: Klas Hultqvist IceCube is a neutrino telescope built in the ice at the...
Midnight sun, Gullmarbreen, Smeerenburgfjorden, July 2012. Photo: Tyrone Martinsson How can an environmentally oriented, photographic humanistic perspective, applied in interdisciplinary cooperation, give visual shape to events that occur in...
Liselott Kutscher, Per Andersson, and Don Porcelli searching for tributaries to Aldan River. Photo: Roman Petrov The following short report describes the fieldwork conducted in the project Climate warming in Siberian Permafrost Regions: tracing...
Icebreaker Oden. Photo: Swedish Polar Research Secretariat How does ice impinge on floating offshore structures in the Arctic? This is an important research question, because answering it would contribute to the sustainable exploitation of Arctic...
We aim to describe, systematically and for the first time, the early Cambrian faunas of Antarctica, as well as their evolutionary and biostratigraphic importance. Our main questions relate to the Cambrian explosion, i.e., the relatively sudden...
Emperor penguin. Photo: Christian Stranne The ocean freshwater balance of the Antarctic shelves is currently changing, at least partly in response to the surging and melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). The most dramatic thinning of the...