Expedition: Oden Southern Ocean 2010/11
26 November 2010 - 17 January 2011 Amundsen Sea

Physical oceanography
The main objective of this expedition was to understand the spatial and temporal variation of the cdw on the shelf.
Implications of increasing CO2
The project will provide basic information needed to predict the effects of future changes in CO2 uptake on CaCO3 saturation and ocean acidification in the Southern Ocean due to changes in sea ice extent, freshwater input, and temperature.
Health assessment of Antarctic seals
We have investigated the health status of three endemic seal species, i.e., the Ross, Weddell, and crabeater seals. Our main interest was to search for antibodies to canine distemper virus in the seals.
Mapping the Amundsen Sea polynya microbiome: patchiness and role in carbon processing
Our aim on this expedition was to use iodine isotopes and species in the water and air as tracers of the rates of ocean water circulation and ocean–atmosphere exchange.
Mapping the Amundsen Sea polynya microbiome: patchiness and role in carbon processing
We have studied the mechanisms driving microbial biogeography in the biogeochemically patchy Amundsen Sea Polynya and their role in autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon processing.
Climate change and predatory invasion of the Antarctic marine environment
The goal is to assess the status of this predatory invasion and its effect on the benthic shelf fauna of Antarctica.
Investigating the source of iron and other trace nutrients in the Amundsen Sea Polynya
The aim of this project was to investigate the source of iron and other trace nutrients that fuel the high biological productivity of the Amundsen Sea Polynya.