Arctic Antarctica

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Beringia 2005: Geological and ecological history

The questions studied included: What tectonic and geographical factors were involved when the Arctic Ocean was formed? The Arctic Ocean is the least understood of the world’s oceans, much due to its ice cover. Modern sampling and analysis methods...


AMANDA 2004/05

The AMANDA telescope for high-energy cosmic neutrinos was constructed between 1995 and 2000 deep down in the ice sheet at the Amundsen-Scott base at the South Pole, Antarctica. The scientific goals are, among others, to use the neutrino...


UV radiation effects on benthic primary producers

In particular the impact of ambient (and enhanced) UVR on the succession of micro- and macroalgae will be determined in the rocky intertidal in Potter Cove on King George Island, Antarctica. Principal investigator Angela Wulff University of...


Greenland 2005

An increased knowledge of the nature and dynamics of ice sheets and glaciers at high latitudes is important, since changes in their extent may have large consequences for the global environment and climate. Learning more about past changes helps...


Bedrock geology

For the last couple of decades, SWEDARCTIC bedrock expeditions have been analyzing the Palaeozoic and Precambrian evolution of High Arctic Eurasia, from Svalbard to Severnaya Zemlya (Gee and Pease 2004), to better understand the Uralian,...


DML 2003/04

The research during DML 2003/04 was mainly focused on glaciology, atmosphere physics, ecology and chemical meteorology. The research in Dronning Maud Land was carried out during two periods; November–December 2003 and January–February 2004. Around...



The icebreaker Oden participated in the demanding but successful operation. Principal investigators Jan Backman Stockholm University Kathryn Moran University of Rhode Island, USA Download a folder about ACEX (pdf 1 MB)


AMANDA 2003/04

The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) was completed in January 2000 and was the precursor to the IceCube neutrino observatory. During the 2003/04 Antarctic season four Swedish researchers did maintenace work on the detector at...


EPICA 2003/04

Ice cores provide unique information of past environmental and climatic variations. During the 2002/03 season the drilling at Dome C reached down to a depth of 3 200 meters. The preliminary dating showed that the ice is about 800,000 years old at...


King George Island

In particular the impact of ambient (and enhanced) UVR on the succession of micro- and macroalgae will be determined in the rocky intertidal in Potter Cove on King George Island, Antarctica. Principal investigator Angela Wulff University of...



A Swedish-Russian bedrock geology expedition to the island Novaya Zemlya in the Russian Arctic. Principal investigator David Gee Uppsala University


Greenland 2004

The research focused on establishing extent and thickness of the ice during the various phases of glaciation. The researchers used detailed landscape analysis combined with cosmogenic exposure dating of glacially eroded rock surfaces and glacially...


International post-graduate school

The aim of the field campaign in summer 2004 was to initialize documentation and research into the mining history of Svalbard in an international comparative perspective. Principal investigator Marie Nisser KTH Royal Institute of Technology


NorthGRIP 2004

The multinational NorthGRIP research programme was partly funded by participating institutions from Germany, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Iceland and the U.S. The main purpose was to drill the 45 m long column of refrozen basal...



A Swedish researcher participated in a bedrock geology expedition to Svalbard. Principal investigator Victoria Pease Stockholm University


Greenland 2003

Samples of glacially transported blocks were also collected in the field and dated by cosmogenic exposure methodology. It was previously thought that they were the remains of moraines from the Saale Ice Age 150,000 years ago, but new findings...


Siberia 2003

Quaternary geology Principal investigator Per Möller Lund University Bedrock geology Principal investigator David Gee Uppsala University


NorthGRIP 2003

Principal investigator Margareta Hansson Stockholm University


Svalbard 2003

The researchers examined the tectonic development during the Neoproterozoic in northwestern Spitsbergen to find geological connections to Rodinia. Principal investigator Victoria Pease Stockholm University


Beringia reconnaissance 2003

Representatives from the Secretariat made two planning trips to Kamchatka and Chukotka at the prospect of the Beringia expedition in 2005.
