Arctic Antarctica

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Araon Amundsen Sea 2013/14

Measurements were made directly from the icebreaker, and data was gathered from measurement instruments deployed in the ocean below the ice by previous expeditions. These data provide a unique time series of the hourly circulation of warm ocean...


MARA 2013/14

MARA will initially be stationed at Maitri until the 2015/16 Antarctic season. The atmospheric radar will enable researchers to study how air is transported and mixed between various heights in the polar atmosphere. The research project will focus...


Tourism in polar regions

The project examines the impact of the polar experience on the visitor in terms of the development of an ambassadorship for the polar regions, the climate and a sustainable lifestyle, as well as the polar tourist’s perceived and actual...



The expedition embarked from Tromsø, Norway on 6 July and proceeded along the Russian polar sea to Barrow, Alaska. Researchers and crew were changed on 20 August in Barrow, when the second leg of the expedition began. The route back to Scandinavia...


Winter sea ice

This research project tied together chemical and physical process studies in order to improve our understanding of the forces that drive the natural production of halocarbons and their flow between sea and atmosphere in the Southern Ocean during...


Glaciology 2014

This research project seeks to improve our understanding of the processes that influence the refreezing of water in snow and firn, and to provide more detailed knowledge of these processes. The project will result in extended measurement series of...


MAGIC-DML 2016/17

Dronning Maud Land is one of the least studied regions of Antarctica in terms of variations in ice sheet thickness and dynamics. There are plenty of potential study sites in the mountain ranges, whose peaks, nunataks, are sticking up through the...


Lena River Study 2013

Permafrost represents an enormous potential storehouse of greenhouse gases in the form of frozen carbon and sediment. Increased warming, which has already been observed in the region, results in the increased transport of water and sediment in the...


The importance of research stations to a presence in the Arctic

By observing and comparing the different types of research being conducted at these research stations in Ny-Ålesund, interviewing researchers and analyzing any symbols of a national presence in the built environment, researchers can study the...



The first organized groups of Russian schoolchildren already visited the archipelago in 2006 as the result of the joint efforts of the Russian Consulate in Spitsbergen, the Ministry of Education and Arktikugol (a Russian coal mining company)....



Contourites are sedimentary deposits on the continental rise. Studying contourite drifts is useful for the reconstruction of the oceanographic and climate history of continental margins since they contain expanded sedimentary sequences...



Recent discoveries in Arctic geology have suggested that the Caledonian mountains (which track from Scotland through Norway and similarly from Appalachia across Greenland) actually continued further north prior to the opening of the Atlantic and...


Comparisons of landforms on Svalbard and Mars

This research project studied the periglacial environment on earth as a comparable environment to the cold regions of Mars. By studying these land areas we can gain a better understanding of how the Martian climate has evolved over time. Swedish...



The goal of the project is to develop a new model of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) of Svalbard and predict the Neogene tectonic uplift integrating new data of former ice sheet configuration in the Pleistocene. The research incorporates for...



The objective of the LASHIPA project was to clarify the historical development of large-scale natural resource exploitation in the polar areas from the 17th century to the present, and to examine the geopolitical and environmental consequences of...


IceCube 2008/09

The aim is to study where cosmic radiation comes from (near black holes?) and what the dark matter in the universe consists of. The researchers are making use of neutrinos, which are uncharged elementary particles of extremely low mass. Neutrinos...


Kinnvika 2007

The research focused on glaciology, geology, biology, ecology and atmospheric chemistry. Research projects based in social sciences and humanities were also carried out. Principal investigator Veijo Pohjala Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala...



At the same time, four Japanese tracked vehicle traveled in the opposite direction. The convoys met and exchanged two persons and some scientific equipment, in order to get the same data acquisition from the whole traverse. Both of the convoys...


IceCube 2007/08

A Swede overwintered during the Antarctic winter 2007 and continued to work during the summer season as well. Eight more Swedes, including five drillers, participated in the summer season of 2007/08, when 18 new strings with light detectors was...


MARA 2007/08

The purpose of MARA is to improve our understanding of aerosol processes and waves in the polar middle atmosphere, and to compare aerosols in the troposphere of the ”clean” Antarctic with those in the ”polluted” Arctic....
