Our stay at Carlini station is coming to an end. We have completed our second experiment in the lab and started packing our equipment and samples to make room for other researchers.
Duct tape is a polar researcher's best friend
19 January 2016 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomWhen you work in Antarctica you often face problems that you might not come across in many other research projects. For example, you must take extreme care when you pack your equipment as it can take months to get new equipment – everything from fresh batteries to spare parts for measuring instruments.
Under the sea
8 January 2016 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomIn recent weeks, the diving team have spent a lot of time in the water. We have just finished a project run by colleagues from Ghent University, where we study the effect of the glacier's retreat on biological processes at the sea floor.
White Christmas in Potter Cove
28 December 2015 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomYou couldn't dream about a whiter Christmas than the one we had in Antarctica. In recent days we have experienced snowstorms as well as sunshine.
Intensive work days at Carlini
21 December 2015 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomToday is the longest day of the year. Unfortunately, there is not too many flowers to decorate the maypole with and noone else on the Argentine base seems to have heard of The little frogs. Sampling in the field interspersed with experiments in the lab.
Finally here!
7 December 2015 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomIt's been 14 days since we left Gothenburg, but now we have finally arrived at the Argentine research station Carlini where we'll spend the next ten weeks.
Dåligt väder innebär ytterligare förseningar
30 November 2015 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomDet är nu två veckor sedan vi lämnade Sverige, och vi har ännu inte riktigt nått hela vägen fram till vår slutdestination – den argentinska forskningsstationen Carlini.
I Skottsbergs fotspår
24 November 2015 | Anders Torstensson, Mikael HedblomVi påbörjade vår resa mot forskningsstationen Carlini på King George Island för ungefär en vecka sedan. Att ta sig till Antarktis är en spännande upplevelse som tar tid, och innefattar ofta förseningar, så man måste ha ganska mycket tålamod.