Arctic Antarctica

Expedition: Oden Southern Ocean 2008/09

26 November 2008 - 6 January 2009 Southern Ocean

The biogeochemical cycle of organo-halogens

The project contributes to our understanding of the role of both chemical and biological production and degradation of organo-halogens in regulating the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere. It also improves our knowledge of the natural biogeochemical cycling of halogens in polar regions.

Inorganic carbon transformation

The aim of this project was to quantitatively investigate the mechanisms driving the oceanic carbon dioxide system and the CO2 air–sea flux in areas differentiated by water column stratification, ice cover/extent and freshwater input in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean.

Epidemic diseases in Antarctic and Arctic seals

The Antarctic seal project investigates the role of infectious diseases in the population dynamics of Antarctic seals, and the mechanisms involved in the evolution of disease resistance.

Black carbon (soot) and persistent organic pollutants

The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth. The western peninsula, Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas have recently experienced declines in sea ice extent and duration, and glacier fronts are retreating.

Biophysical variability in the Southern Ocean

The overarching objective of this project was to investigate physical and biogeochemical variability in the Amundsen and Ross Seas, two regions which show contrasting responses to climate change and are perhaps the least sampled in the Southern Ocean.

Controls on climate active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota

Since controls on the production and destruction of climate-active gases are very likely coupled to the extent and type of microorganisms living at or near this critical interface, changes in both the extent and type of sea ice will greatly affect the balance between the marine environment and the biosphere.