Expedition: Oden Southern Ocean 2006/07
12 December 2006 - 28 December 2006 Southern Ocean

Variability of the carbon dioxide system, oxygen and biogeochemical processes in the Southern Ocean
The aim of this project is to study the effect of sea ice on the carbon dioxide system and dissolved oxygen in the surface waters of the Southern Ocean.

Sea-ice observations in the Bellingshausen, Amundsen, and Ross Seas
The objective of this project was to collect systematic, comparative observational data on sea ice morphology and distribution as the polar icebreaker Oden
Tracking Southern Ocean temperature fields
The aim of this project was to map the thermal field in the upper ocean during the spring to summer transition of 2006/07.
SOLO float studies of depth-structured temperature and salinity profiles in the Southern Ocean
The aim of this project was to deploy six SOLO floats at two locations: near 60°S latitude, and close to the ice edge near 150°W longitude as the Oden transits.
Records of Antarctic marine vertebrates between Magellan Strait and McMurdo Station
The aim of this project was to document the occurrence of marine mammals and seabirds in the waters of western Antarctica.
Persistent organic pollutants in remote areas: Pesticide residues in the Southern Ocean
The aim of this study was to collect samples of organic compound pollutants along the transit of the Oden through relatively unvisited areas where anthropogenic impact is presumed to be minor, to help understand how these pollutants may be transported from warm to cold areas.