A day in the field. Photo: Jesper Hansson

A day in the field. Photo: Jesper Hansson

The rubber boats take us to our different study areas in Chaun delta. Photo: Jesper Hansson

The rubber boats take us to our different study areas in Chaun delta. Photo: Jesper Hansson

riding the boat

Sergej steers the boat in the watercourse where the water is deep enough. Photo: Rasmus Erlandsson

The research station in the Chaun delta is located on a low island with many lakes and marshes. As the permafrost soils melts the lakes dry up, and some areas are now consisting of former seabed. To get around we wear these timeless thigh-high wading boots, and they make it surprisingly easy to get around. Even if you’re used to the wading boots, you can still feel your heartbeat racing the first time you sink down in the marsh. But under the mud the soles finally meet solid permafrost and you can breathe out. And with water up to the boot’s shaft you just have to trudge on….

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